I guess we didn't have in-room coffee yesterday, but we did today. . .
Kip and I both enjoy coffee. She flew Spirit, so she was micro packing. I flew Southwest, so I could have two free bags if I wanted. She had a percolator that she travels with, but since we live a bit a part, she purchased one and had it delivered to my house and I packed it (along with the mugs) for our trip.
Since we were up "a bit" early (around 7:00 AM), we had a chance to catch up on things. One of the things she picked up for me when she was here before I was and was out at Cosmo was the $2 bill wallet. I think it's only for Lunar New Year that they create these wallets with 50 or 100 $2 bills that are gummed at the top like a notepad. You just pay face value for them, so you're getting the wallet part for free. Although I thought I'd be using them for tips, I still haven't used one. It's sitting on my kitchen table. The gum is coming off, so eventually, I think, I'll just have 50 loose $2 bills. . .
After getting ready, we headed to Magnolia's at Four Queens for breakfast.
Same breakfast, different day. . .
We went back to Vue Bar to hang out before our VP session. My second session didn't go well as well as the first.
Not sure where I finished this session. . .
So, after the first two sessions, you could buy a "mulligan" round for $50. After the third session, you could buy one for $75. They take your best three scores to determine the winners. All three of us decided to take the first mulligan, which would take place at 3:10 PM. We had concerns that it would interfere with the 5:00 PM corral time for the 5k, but we'd be done in plenty of time.
We went back to Vue Bar to pass the time until the next session. I hit a few quads (six), including the always nice aces. . .
Always pretty, even with useless kickers. . .
3:10 PM came up and we went to the tournament area. I had high hopes for a better score, but I did worse!
Seems like $50 down the drain. . .
I believe Scott went over to Four Queens, while Kip and I stayed at Vue Bar. We only had an hour or so before we needed to get ready for the 5k. We a bit behind meeting Scott downstairs, but it didn't seem to matter, and the corral times didn't seem to be loading on time. That, and it wasn't a staggered corral start time, just a staggered corral loading time. So all of these people were getting loading into the corral, and just getting crowded together and backed up. At least we were near the front.
All smiles before getting in the corral. . .
When we finally started moving, and there were more people behind us!
The course was pretty plain, I mean, how exciting is it to "run" around Downtown Las Vegas? Approaching the Fremont Street Experience at the end was nice though.
Nearing the end!
The end was its own fiasco. The finish line went for a few feet, then funneled down to a space about two persons wide. And it didn't help that many people were either stopping to rest right after the finish line, or were waiting for friends. Then you got your medal, then had to go down another corral to exit, although they did have water, energy drinks, and snacks along the way. There were barricades all around, so we had to take a roundabout way to get back into The D.
I know, Scott needed to be a few more inches to his left. . .
We went back up to the rooms to get cleaned up, since we had 9:00 PM dinner reservations at Andiamo. I showered first and I noticed that the drain seemed to be draining slowly. In fact, it apparently wasn't draining at all. Ugh. I told Kip and she didn't think she'd be able to shower without it overflowing. We called to maintenance and they said they'd send someone up to fix it. Scott offered Kip to use his shower, but she said she'd manage.
It soon became time to head to dinner. Andiamo never disappoints, I've never had a bad meal here, although I typically always get one of the steaks (and the lobster bisque).
Lobster bisque!
Rib eye!
The four of us (Dave joined us) ate for $300, which was pretty good. We used all my monthly comps, plus Dave's reminders, and part of Kip's.
After dinner, there was more Vue Bar play (of course), and then some Dreamcard fun play (of course). In my notes, I have us playing Triple Double Bonus, which is what I originally wanted to play, but after looking at the rule, the dreamcard doesn't come up as frequently as it does for Jacks or Better or Bonus Poker (for obvious reasons). It was too bad we weren't playing TDB, since we hit the following:
That would have been fine on TBD. . .
Um, yeah, this would have been really good on TDB, even DDB. . .
We didn't double up, but we each took a $29 profit, so a second successful day of Dreamcard fun play!
We get back to the room, and right as I open the door, it smells musty. I'm thinking, they didn't fix the shower. Sure enough, I look in, and there's still standing water. I don't even think it went down at all. Kip is incensed. She called down and was complaining to a bunch of people, was put on hold, complaining to me, and complaining more. While she was on the phone, there was a knock on the door and the maintenance man was there. I showed him the shower and he said it wasn't like that when he was here, which meant that he went to the wrong room. After a while, he got the drain unclogged. I can't remember if Kip showered off that night, or if she was just too tired after the whole day's experience. . .